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Strut With Your Mutt



Saturday, August 24, 2019  10am – 2:00 pm - Walk begins at 11:00 am

Bairdford Park Baseball Complex  80 Maple Ave, Bairdford, PA 15006

Details at

Sponsorship Request


We are writing you on behalf of Paws Across Pittsburgh, a humane animal rescue group dedicated to helping dogs and cats in need, educating the general public about health and welfare issues in order to promote responsible pet ownership and help assure animals well-being.  We are a Pennsylvania based, fiscally sponsored 501(c)(3) and a tax deduction for your company.


Fund raising is critical for Paws Across Pittsburgh, as we are a nonprofit rescue and run completely by volunteers. We are planning our 1st annual Strut with Your Mutt on August 24th, 2019 at Bairdford park in Gibsonia, PA. We recognize that your company is Pennsylvania based, as is Paws Across Pittsburgh, and we are hoping you would consider partnering with our rescue for this event! Listed below are the different sponsorship levels and their benefits!


Station Sponsor include first aid, refreshment, pup-pa-razzi stations, kid’s corner, walking stations, start and finish line stations and game stations. Click here for the Business Sponsorship Flyer for detailed information of Sponsorship Benefits!


  • Confirmation of sponsorship, along with promotions logistics surrounding print and online display, will be made upon receipt of payment.

  • Business logos must be provided in image formats (jpg, png, etc)

  • Goodie bag items must be provided by August 10th, 2019

  • Sponsors are responsible for providing their own vendor setup (table, chairs, tent)

  • Contact Jackie for questions - or 724-594-5175


Sponsorship payment can be submitted at, you will be redirected after submitting the form below.


Thank you for sponsoring our 1st Annual Strut with Your Mutt!


Please submit your sponsorship payment on the event page, you should be redirected after submitting this form.  Thank you so much for sponsoring our event and helping the rescues in Paws Across Pittsburgh!



Click here for the Business Sponsorship Flyer for detailed information of Sponsorship Benefits!

Strut with Your Mutt Sponsorship Information
Select an option


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We are foster-home based and do not have a central facility to visit rescues.

Springdale - PA - 15144 - Ph: 412-495-2799  Fax: 724-473-3951

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